ID Page #9: Melissodes & Triepeolus
ID Page #11: Megachile Chelostomoides
March 2024
ID CONFIRMED by Jack Neff & posted here on I-NAT:
Size: 10 mm
Food plants:
Fragaria, Prunus (in bloom nearby)
When and where seen:
March 7 and 12, 2024
Gainesville FL
Ruddy Nomad Bee
Nomada rubicunda
(two females)
Female bee #1
detailed images

Dorsal view of female bee

Alternate view of female bee

Lateral view of female bee

Dorsal view of vertex and thorax, showing orange pronotal collar, scutellum and axillae. The scutum and scutellum have rough, pitted surfaces.The scutum has a narrow black border.
Female bee #2
detailed images

A second female Nomada rubicunda, found five days after the one shown above, in the same location.

Alternate view of bee, showing bright orange of pronotal collar, scutellum and axilllae

Dorsal view of second female bee

A female Nomada rubicunda #1

A female Nomada rubicunda #1

A female Nomada rubicunda #2
Female bee #2
NOTES: These two female Nomada were found in the same spot, five days apart (March 7 & 12) -- under a power line accessway running through a wooded area. The bees were skulking around, low to the ground, over the hard-packed soil of a dirt road, occasionally stopping to drink nectar from scantily blooming Fragaria and Prunus. Very little was in bloom in the area. Agapostemon splendens, the suspected host of Nomada rubucundus, had not yet emerged. [FIrst signs of A. splendens in immediate area were around April 2.] No sign either of any male Nomada rubicundus, which are yellow & black and nothing like the female.
This bee was first described by Olivier in 1812, and again by Mitchell (BEUS) 1962. Here is a general description of the first bee (which is nearly identical to the second bee below):
HEAD: The bee’s face is entirely red (including the labrum, clypeus supraclypeus and mandibles). The clypeus is protuberant and rimmed along the apical edge with a neat fringe of dense white hairs. The underside of the head is entirely red. ANTENNAE: The antennae are mostly dark (brown in front and black on the rear surfaces), but the scapes, pedicels and F1 are red. F1 is longer than it is wide. F2 is slightly greater than or equal to F1. F6 and F7 are slightly longer than they are wide.
THORAX: The scutum is mostly red, but the pronotal collar, the scutellum and the axillae are a brilliant orange. The scutum and scutellum have rough, pitted surfaces, and the scutum is grooved down the middle. The scutum has a narrow black border. The metanotum is red. The mesepisternum is roughly pitted and mostly red (with some black). The front face of the propodeum is mostly red, and covered with long white hairs and some dark hairs. The front face of T1 red, with an ornate black edge. The underside of the thorax is entirely red.
WINGS: The tegulae are dark red and deeply pitted. The wings are glassy at the base, and progressively dark toward the edges and tips, with a small glassy area just beyond the 3rd submarginal cell.
ABDOMEN: The bee’s abdomen is red and black, with yellow spots and ivory stripes: Specifically, T1-T3 are mostly red, with lateral black spots on T1 and T3, and lateral pale yellow oblong spots on T3; T-4 and T5 are black, with wide, continuous ivory bands; T 6 is dark but obscured by longish white hairs. The sternum is entirely red.
LEGS: The front legs are red. The middle legs are red with black coxae. The rear legs are more intensely red, with some black on each femur and coxa. (Mitchell's 1962 description of the species notes that there are spines between the coxae and trochanters of the forelegs, and that the hind-leg tibiae have blade-like brown setae that angle outward from the apical edge of the tibiae. These may be buried under hairs; my macro dead not reveal these from any angle.)
Size: Female and male: 10 mm
Food plants:
When and where seen:
July 3, 2024
Gainesville FLA
Fervid nomad bee
Nomada fervida

A male fervid nomad bee

This is a largely black bee with dark wings, red legs, a bright yellow facial mask and yellow, orange and red markings on the thorax and abdomen.

Dorsal view of male bee

The scutellum has a large yellow mark with a red area in the middle and red around the edges.

A male Nomada fervida
This 10 male Nomada fervida was found feeding on mint flowers in a Gainesville garden on July 3, 2024. This a black bee with a bright yellow facial mask, red legs, and a thorax and abdomen adorned with yellow, orange and red markings. Nomada fervida is usually associated with sandy habits. Its host is unknown, although some sources suggest it may be Agapostemon splendens. An excellent description of this species and summary of available research on it can be found at the University of Florida entomology page:
Traits that help ID male Nomad fervida found in Florida are: (1) The scutellum (the second segment of the thorax) is covered with a rounded yellow rectangle with a reddish area in the middle; under this is a thick yellow bar tinged with red-orange along the edges. (2) The propodeum (located two segments behind the scutellum) is black, without markings. (4) The abdomen’s first segment (T1) has a wide reddish band with a narrower yellow border. The second segment (T2) has a wide yellow band, sometimes tinged with orange or rust-red. Colors of the remaining segments can vary -- T3-T5 may be entirely black, mostly yellow or – as on the bee here -- black with small yellow markings.
This species is found both in the Great Lakes area and in the Deep South. Nomada specimens in Florida and the south tend to have more orange or reddish markings than their northern counterparts (whose markings are typically more yellow).
OTHER DETAILS FOR PS FOR FURTURE USE . On the male bee shown here, the pronotal collar, pronotal lobes and tegulae are yellow with some reddish-orange areas. There is also a large yellow plate at the rear bottom part of the side of the thorax. ANTENNAE: the pedicel is longer than F1 (and all other flagellar segments). The scapes ared redish and hairy. The pedicel is red, and the flagellum brown on the front surfaces and golden on the rear surfaces. F6 and F7 are slightly wider than they are long. F1 is somewht longer than F2. F2 and F3 are equal in size. The mandibles are yellow at the base, red in the middle and black on the tips.
ID CONFIRMED & posted here on Bug Guide:
Note, however, that I-Nat calls this a defunct taxon, and now used "Vegana species group" instead.
Size: Female and male 10 mm
Food plants:
Greek oregano
Fragaria, Prunus
When and where seen:
July 19, 2019 (female and male)
Yellow-margined nomad bee
Nomada vegana

A male Nomada vegana

Dorsal view of male bee

dorsal view of abdomen

A female Nomada vegana

Lateral view of a female Nomada vegana

Dorsal view of female bee: note the two large yellow marks and yellow bar on the scutellum, and the two large oblong yellow marks on the propodem.

A male Nomada vegana

A female Nomada vegana